Friday, September 12, 2008

Benefit Of Internet

It allows for a unbelievably large amount of downloads and uploads of information, music, videos, attachments, and all sorts of other things as it is the engine of the Information Superhighway of our Information Era, in which we live.

Additionally, the internet allows millions of people to contact each other across continents to play online games, or to share pictures, share ideas, share common interests, share friends even, share phone numbers, email addresses, passwords as the internet is also used by billions as a gigantic social network that spans from the absolute most western part of the world to the most north, to the most eastern, to the most southern, and to any combination of directional extremes that can be imagined.

It is also the most global market known to man, as it is even better than any physical building, no matter how centrally located it may be in the map. With the right site, you can buy anything from bicycles to snowshoes to iphones to video games and consoles galore with only a click of a button and some quick credit card info.

Cyberspace is also used as the best way to find employees for certain companies, find employers from certain business, find unemployed but skilled technicians and trainees, as well as fill out as many applications as you can possibly submit in a lifetime. One of the bigget websites like this would be, and And yes, I should be payed per plug!

Lastly, on my list anyway, you can fill out as many enrollment forms as you have time for or have interest in, or you can even check your ACT or SAT scores with the requirements of local, national or even foreign colleges, universities and technical training institutes such as ITT technical institute, though I am not being payed for any of these plugs, but I should be!


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